
Outstanding homework BS, Economics and Sociology - parts 11, 12 and 13 out of 28

Homework (Business Studies). Parts 11, 12 and 13 out of 13.

Part 11:

Evaluation questions on my blog:






Part 12:

did a dipity timeline :)

Part 13:

So, something must be done. The question is - what?

Just put the hardworking ones in one group and lazy loosers in another, and everything will be ok. If someone 'gifted' starts to bring the dynamic group down, just send him to Torquay the second group. If someone realises how miserable he is and starts to work hard, he can be moved to the enthusiastic group. ^^

1 comment:

chris sivewright said...

so one lesson a week per group - that's an idea.

Yes, I'll think on that.

There are 13 in Sociology - maybe I should split the group....